10 Interesting Facts That You Might Not Know About The English Language

Most of us speak English language in to understand and communicate with other people. However, there are countries that do not speak English. We are aware with the different parts of speech. These include nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives and many more. We are also familiar with different tenses and use it in formulating a sentence. The International English Language Testing System is given to people who wish to work in an English speaking country. Hence, it includes the four fundamental communication skills that applied proper usage of English language. But what I did is to search for some interesting trivia that could actually surprise even the English speaking people. Here is the 10 interesting facts about English that “maybe” we are not familiar with.




The plural of box is boxes, but the plural of pant is not pants. Although we believe that putting an “s” in a word makes it a plural form. Well, not at all. Just like for example scissors is a single object but it has an “s” but this does not mean that it is already a plural form.
Another example is a singular form of geese is goose but a plural form of moose is not “Meese”. Weird isn’t it?




There are three fundamental generations for English language:
-The Old English, started at the 5th century and ended on 11th century;
-The Middle English, began in 11th century and ended on 15th century; and lastly
-he Modern English, that started in 15th century until present.

This language disappeared from the inscribed language for a moment. The journey of England during 1066 was documented that Norman French as the language of the upper-class and the English language is only for the laborer. Ministers keep the record using the French Language and writers inscribe in that language.




English literature did not reemerge until after 1200. The altering political issues led to the Provisions of Oxford. This is a similar to constitutional text which is written in English during 1258. At 1300, the English language reappeared again. Most of the English words that we are using came from the original era of English language. However, there is a big difference in the old and modern language of English; words such as water and be are just simple terms that are used hundreds of years ago. To be exact, about 124 English vernaculars exist in all parts of the world. The differences vary according to the articulation and formulation of the sentence.




Most of the English speakers live in the United States of America than any other parts of the world. There are approximately 250 million people in America who speak English and it was considered as the primary language for the 215 million placing them as the most spoken language in the world during that time. There are several nations that use English language as their secondary or co-official language. These include people living in the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe, Australia and some parts in South Africa and Asia.




Robert Cawdrey is a plain school teacher who initiated the development of the first ever recorded English language. It appeared last 1604 and was known as the table alphabetical. This was considered as the most comprehensive dictionary during its time and it will take them another century or two to do the following process.




One of the pressing law is in the state of Illinois where people who found speaking English is a crime. The official language for them is called American. The word “indivisibility: is the only English word in the dictionary that has only one vowel occurring for five episodes. The word checkmate may sound different if interpreted literally. This technical term for a chess game is a modification of shah mat which is a phrase from Persia that means the king is trapped.




Have you heard of the people say the whole nine yards? If so, did you ever think of its meaning? Well this phrase was not used before 1962 until the militaries are often using this phrase during the World War II were they are bound to fire up the entire length of ammunition shells using an anti-aircraft gun. There are many studies and speculations about its origin yet there is no supportive fact. I’m sure most of the Americans know what the meaning of it is but they are not aware of its origin.




Are you planning to master the computer keyboard with QWERTY keypads? Well the easiest way to do that is to type the phrase “the lazy dog near the bank of the river was bumped by a quick brown fox”. This phrase is common to typist because it contains all the alphabets.




Have you ever wondered of the longest word in the dictionary? Well it has 45 letters and it is a medical term that pertains to pulmonary disorder. The word is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis.




To wrap it up, English language is the language that has the most vocabulary terms. To be exact, it has almost 800,000 terms and has been proved that only 6,000 of it are commonly used as a term in the modern days.

2 Responses to “10 Interesting Facts That You Might Not Know About The English Language”

  1. Alvin

    Oct 05. 2012

    This article of incorrect. Scissors are not known as “a scissors”. They are a pair of scissors. Same way pants are known as a pair of pants, and for instance a single leg is referred to as a “pant leg”.
    They are already in their pluralised form.

  2. joe

    Nov 22. 2012

    this site is completely rammed full of grammatical errors and incorrect facts, quite frankly it is horrible.